BG Electronics Logo

BG E & C, Inc./Assumed Name BG Electronics Co.

Distribution services for the Department of Defense,
Aerospace, Commercial, Industrial and Medical Industries

About BG Electronics

Approaching our fifth decade of serving OEMs and government contractors, BG Electronics has been distributing a broad line of high quality, high reliability components to the medical, Mil/aero/defense, commercial and industrial markets.

Located North of Dallas, TX, BG Electronics specializes in providing connector, cabling, electromechanical, cooling, electrical, power, test and COTS components to electronic OEMs, government prime contractors, US Department of Defense, NASA, universities and technical institutes.

Awards and Recognition

Our first class service and support earned us the awards below and continue to drive our performance levels today.

Recipient of:
Ernst and Young logo Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Company
of the Year

Small business administrator logoSAM logoAdministrators Award for Excellence
(awarded by the US Small Business Administration)

Certifications & More

AS9120/ISO CERT 2026.pdf
Quality Clauses, Requirements & Notices
SBA Profile
CAGE Information

Dunn & Bradstreet Number  001236082. Cage Number 1W2T9